17 November 2009

Week 49 - The Birds

We have birds back again. Lots of chirping coming from the wall/ceiling between the kitchen and living room. Lots of evidence of birds in the guttering above the deck (bird poop, loose grass flying around, etc). Birds waking us every morning between 5 and 7.

I rescued three sparrows from the fireplace in one day last week. Must be a record.

Peter got up into the ceiling cavity and removed at least one nest, and blocked up a couple of entrances.

One of the cats got into the ceiling cavity on another occasion (no, she didn't climb the ladder - there is a small hatch from our bedroom wall into the roof cavity behind it) and had so much fun she didn't want to come back out again. But I don't know if she caught anything.

Speaking of cats, the other one managed to catch a rabbit for himself. And bring it up to the house to show off.

Have had some fine weather lately. Even the ground in the lower paddocks is starting to dry out. Have mowed the lawn and attempted some weedeating. It's still growing too quickly and feels futile.

Have eaten the first 8 strawberries from our garden. They were in ok condition but the birds had put some holes into a couple of them. The chicken wire over top of the strawberry patch continues to be flattened. I think it must be the wind rather than any animals. Shouldn't be too hard to find something to prop it up. Just gotta get around to it.


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