22 September 2009

Week 41

Have had a few weather extremes this week. Early in the week it was so hot and sunny that we had to go out and get ice creams. Then today it has been so cold I've had to light the fire.

I may have only mowed the grass two weeks ago, but it needs doing again. I was going to do it today but it rained this morning. By this afternoon it had dried out a lot so I mowed part of the lawn, but the ground was still quite muddy and I now have big tractor tyre marks all over the lawn. I also somehow managed to break the tractor seat. It has come away entirely. Something else that needs to be fixed I guess.

While the weather was good I got out the weedsprayer and went up and down the driveway with it. Everything is starting to grow with a hurry now that spring is here.

Went to a Farmers Unlimited meeting and learnt a bit about highland cattle, and also about the perils of having an archeological dig on your property (despite how cool it would be, it's not much fun for the landowner apparently).

We have five different citris trees on our property. There is a lemon tree, an orange tree, a mandarin tree and a grapefruit tree. The fifth one I'm not too sure about. It looks a lot like a mandarin but has come to fruit later in the year and tastes sweeter. I think maybe it's a tangerine but I don't know much about them. The mandarin tree is still covered in fruit, even though we've been eating lots. I think it's coming to the end of its season though as they are starting to lose their taste. The orange and grapefruit trees have barely been touched. Personally I prefer mandarins and because it has been so fruitful I haven't needed to eat any others. Maybe I should look up some marmalade recipes.


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