15 April 2009

Week 18

Not much going on on the farming front over Easter. Mowed the lawn again with the tractor. Started weed-eating / line-trimming the lavender as the weeds are starting to take over again.

We had a little bit of rain last week. Not enough to fill the water tank but enough to make the weeds start growing again. It's been relatively quiet for the last month but the vege garden is now a sea of green weeds again.

On Saturday evening we attended the Lift Off Levin hot air balloon festival. It was awesome. 20 (well 19 actually) hot air balloons inflated in the showgrounds while we watched, but stayed tethered to the ground. Then as darkness fell they all turned their burners on and off to light up the balloons in time to music. A really awesome spectacle.

I managed to successfully make some apple jelly this week. It was a lot easier than making passionfruit jelly. I learnt from my past mistakes and when it seemed to bubble differently I took it off the heat and poured into preserving jars. It didn't jell like I thought it was going to, but once it cooled down it looks and tastes like I would expect apple jelly to. Didn't make this with our own apples though. We don't have apple trees. These apples came from an organic tree at AgResearch in Palmerston North.


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