02 February 2009

Week 8 - Weeding

Weeding, weeding and more weeding. If I never see another weed again it will be too soon. Unfortunately I'll be seeing lots of more of them because I'm nowhere near finished.

I've been pulling weeds out of the lavender and it is incredibly time consuming work. There are heaps of bees hanging around the lavender too. Luckily I've stayed away from them and they've stayed away from me. I even spent half a day weeding in light rain but it was so warm that it didn't matter. It did keep the number of bees down though.

K and V are now going to daycare one day a week to enable me to do things like this. The rest of the time I sandwich it around V's naps and K's quiet time.

The lavender will be ready for harvest early next week.

The potatoes are ready for harvesting too. (I think). I weeded a small portion of the vegetable garden and discovered we also have what looks like tomatoes growing there too. They just weren't visible beneath all the weeds.

The citris trees are covered in small green fruit which hopefully one day will grow into large orange fruit.

Our only fruit tree bearing fruit so far (not including the lemon tree), a nectarine tree(?), has about half a dozen fruit on it. All of which have been half eaten by birds.

The other night I went to sleep to the sound of a morepork outside. One of those great moments about living in the country. Lately I've been too busy to stop and smell the roses (or is that because the rose beds all need weeding too!!!).


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