Summer has finally arrived at the end of October. It's been hot and sunny just about every day since then. Almost starting to worry we won't have enough water to last the summer, but I don't want to jinx it because I'm enjoying the warm weather so much. It was so nice we even managed to get out to the beach one day.
Finally got some help from the neighbours to put the plow attachment on the back of the tractor and I was able to dig over the vege garden. Albeit much too late, I should have done it a month ago. As soon as that was done I took the plow back off and put the mower back on and mowed the grass which was very, very long. Over the new few days I raked up a bit of grass at a time until the entire vege garden was covered in a layer of grass clippings.
I planted all of last years potatoes back into the garden as they were growing quite nicely in the cupboard. I don't know if they will be any good to eat or not, we will see.
I also bought a six-pack of lettuce and a six-pack of broccoli/ cabbage/ cauliflower. I actually only wanted to buy one of each but couldn't. It is my intention to plant one in the garden each week and hope I can keep the rest alive in their little cell packs until it is time to plant this. In this way I'm hoping I can spread out the time that they're ready to eat. I don't want to plant six lettuces at once and have them all ready at once because we'd never eat them all.
Have also planted six Roma tomato plants along the back of the garden. I've learnt from last year and bought six (instead of two) and have spaced them all quite far apart.
Got given some cherry tomato plants by another neighbour and have planted them in a container on the deck this time around. They grew too big in the garden last year, plus by having them so accessible I hope the children will enjoy eating them more often.
The lavender now has tiny blue buds on it. I mowed the grass in the lavender field for the first time in a very, very long time. I haven't been able to get to it because the neighbour has had his cattle in the other half of the field. The grass was as tall as the lavender in places. But I am getting it back under control now. And I'm sure I'm in for another busy summer of weeding.
Covered the blueberry bush in netting again. Tried weeding the strawberry patch and covering it with something better. Not sure if it will work.
14 December 2010
As the weather started to dry out I was able to do some things I hadn't been able to do for a while. Sprayed weeds for the first time in a long time. Weedeated around the rows of lavender which I hadn't done in a very long time. Mowed the lawn which was getting long and used the grass clippings to mulch the fruit trees.
The month began with rain, lots of it. It rained heavily in the Tararuas and came down the valley, flooding our neighbours across the road and taking most of their newborn lambs. The waters continued on across the road to the cafe next door to us, turning their parking lot into a lake. We were unaffected, being up on the hill. Even our bottom paddocks seemed to have escaped most of the flooding, thanks in part to my trench that I dug. In the early stages it held all the water and even as the water levels rose over the top of the trench, it still helped to keep the water in that area as opposed to flooding out all over the paddock. The water flooding over the road only lasted for an hour and then it was passable again. We were a bit late for school that day. All the farms and paddocks in the area seemed to have turned into lakes, especially in the Koputaroa and Shannon areas, but not so much closer to Levin. In some places the water was so deep that when it receeded there was grass stuck to all the fence wires, from the bottom to the top. There is one farm on the way to Koputaroa where last summer the farmer had dug a very deep trench (totally puts mine to shame, it is several metres deep). Well during the floods this trench was completely full and flooding out the top. Even a week later it was still very full. The rain lasted for several days but not as heavy as the first night.

The day of the flooding

One week later
Later in the month, when things dried out a little bit, I attempted to put the plow attachment onto the tractor so that I could turn the ground over in the vege garden in preparation for planting new vegetables. But no matter how hard I tried, I could not get it on.
The Foxton Spring Fling was held at the beginning of the month, marking the beginning of spring. While we had some very cold days, this winter feels like it was more mild than last year.
The weather may be getting warmer but we have had a few very cold nights, with a couple of mornings where there has been more snow on the Tararuas than there was on any morning in the middle of winter.

The day of the flooding

One week later
Later in the month, when things dried out a little bit, I attempted to put the plow attachment onto the tractor so that I could turn the ground over in the vege garden in preparation for planting new vegetables. But no matter how hard I tried, I could not get it on.
The Foxton Spring Fling was held at the beginning of the month, marking the beginning of spring. While we had some very cold days, this winter feels like it was more mild than last year.
The weather may be getting warmer but we have had a few very cold nights, with a couple of mornings where there has been more snow on the Tararuas than there was on any morning in the middle of winter.
This month I finished my work digging the trench in the bottom paddocks. Our neighbour in front has mentioned a few times the tree stumps in our bottom paddock which borders his but it just hasn't moved high enough up my priority list. I had a go at it a couple of months ago but it is hard work with just a shovel and my own strength. He mentioned he had a friend with a digger, and the friend came over and dug some big holes and buried all the tree stumps. Just like that. Took a day or two, compared to how long it would have taken me with a shovel. And just 10 metres away was my little trench which I had been feeling pretty good about, and now it feels pretty insignificant being the width and depth of a shovel, compared to what a digger could have done.
For the last year and a half we have been diligently burying all our food scraps in the compost bin. And in a year and a half the pile of compost has grown by exactly nothing. It is still the same it was a year and a half ago. I think we must have created a pretty good worm farm but not a very good compost pile. Heard somewhere about layering horse manure and grass clippings in the compost, both of which we have in abundance. So I spent an hour or so one day shovelling up horse manure from one of our paddocks (from our neighbour's horses) and raking up grass clippings after I mowed. Too soon to tell if it'll make any difference or if I've done it right.
Ate some of the cherry tomatoes and zucchini I pickled last year. Both turned out very nice and very zingy.
For the last year and a half we have been diligently burying all our food scraps in the compost bin. And in a year and a half the pile of compost has grown by exactly nothing. It is still the same it was a year and a half ago. I think we must have created a pretty good worm farm but not a very good compost pile. Heard somewhere about layering horse manure and grass clippings in the compost, both of which we have in abundance. So I spent an hour or so one day shovelling up horse manure from one of our paddocks (from our neighbour's horses) and raking up grass clippings after I mowed. Too soon to tell if it'll make any difference or if I've done it right.
Ate some of the cherry tomatoes and zucchini I pickled last year. Both turned out very nice and very zingy.
Twas a very cold month with us lighting lots of fires and shivering in the mornings and evenings.
My big assignment for the month was to dig a trench in our bottom paddocks. The water flows downhill from our neighbours (and probably at its source from the Tararua foothills), through one paddock, under our driveway, through another paddock and off to our neighbours who are pretty much at the lowest point. As the water goes through our paddocks it seems to pool and make the ground all around very muddy and boggy. As we had had a few weeks without rain, I attempted to do something about it. I dug a long trench going about halfway across the lower paddock, following the line of water. I dug it about a shovel head wide and deep. Any more than that was just too difficult, especially when tree roots got in the way. It took me a couple of weeks to complete it. On the other side of the driveway, the slightly higher side, I didn't get very much done because it was still too wet and too overgrown. However, when it did rain my trench worked well and filled up with water in the trench only and not all over the grass.
Early in the month the first jonquils began poking their heads out of the ground, and I saw the first of the spring lambs. Noticed a couple of Kereru birds hanging around the house.
My big assignment for the month was to dig a trench in our bottom paddocks. The water flows downhill from our neighbours (and probably at its source from the Tararua foothills), through one paddock, under our driveway, through another paddock and off to our neighbours who are pretty much at the lowest point. As the water goes through our paddocks it seems to pool and make the ground all around very muddy and boggy. As we had had a few weeks without rain, I attempted to do something about it. I dug a long trench going about halfway across the lower paddock, following the line of water. I dug it about a shovel head wide and deep. Any more than that was just too difficult, especially when tree roots got in the way. It took me a couple of weeks to complete it. On the other side of the driveway, the slightly higher side, I didn't get very much done because it was still too wet and too overgrown. However, when it did rain my trench worked well and filled up with water in the trench only and not all over the grass.
Early in the month the first jonquils began poking their heads out of the ground, and I saw the first of the spring lambs. Noticed a couple of Kereru birds hanging around the house.
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